
テーマ : 「Overview of the NASA SE Handbook and ARCADIA CAPELLA: Modeling overview with the HUBBLE Space Telescope」 


一般社団法人JCOSE(Japan Council on Systems Engineering)主催の第3回JCOSEオンラインセミナー「Overview of the NASA SE Handbook and ARCADIA CAPELLA: Modeling overview with the HUBBLE Space Telescope」を開催します。


本セミナーでは、NASA SEとARCADIA(ARChitecture Analysis & Design Integrated)手法の概要を紹介し、HUBBLE Space Telescope (HST)を例として、宇宙システムのMBSEを紹介します。


開催日時: 2024年 10月 26日(土) 15:00 〜 16:30



会場:Virtual Café(Zoom)





(10月21日頃、抽選結果をお知らせいたします。 )



1. オープニング、講演者紹介

2. 講演(60分)



  • Remy DROUIN氏, System Engineer / MBSE Trainer / Lecturer 
  • Thibault FRANCE氏, Business Developer, OBEO





  • 顧客の本当のニーズを理解する。
  • すべてのエンジニアリングステークホルダー間で製品のアーキテクチャを共有する。
  • 早期に設計の妥当性を確認し、正当化する。
  • 統合、検証、妥当性確認、認証(IVVQ)を容易に実行する。



HUBBLE Space Telescope (HST)は、Cassegrain反射望遠鏡であり、HSTは、地球の軌道上から大気の影響を受けることなく、宇宙の鮮明な観測を可能にします。本セミナーでは、CAPELLAを使用し、例として、公開情報に基づきHSTを紹介します(システム全体のモデリングやすべてのARCADIA/CAPELLAコンセプトをカバーするのではなく、このアプローチのいくつかの図を示します)。


3. 質疑応答(20分)

4. クロージング 






主催:一般社団法人JCOSE(Japan Council on Systems Engineering)


The 3rd JCOSE Online Seminar

Overview of the NASA SE Handbook and ARCADIA CAPELLA: Modeling overview with the HUBBLE Space Telescope


This talk will present an overview of the System Design Process from the NASA SE and ARCADIA (ARChitecture Analysis & Design Integrated) methodology, by introducing MBSE artifacts for a space system.


The NASA System Engineering (SE) handbook aims at providing general guidance and information on systems engineering, as it should be applied throughout NASA. The handbook introduces 3 common technical processes. One of these, is the System Design Process, describing the stakeholders expectations, requirements definition, logical decomposition and design solution definition. The 4 activities can be supported by a Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) approach. To do so, an appropriate method, tool and language is necessary as the one provided by ARCADIA/CAPELLA.


ARCADIA is a tooled method devoted to systems & architecture engineering, supported by the Capella modeling tool.

It describes the detailed reasoning to:

  • understand the real customer need,
  • define and share the product architecture among all engineering stakeholders,
  • early validate its design and justify it,
  • ease and master Integration, Validation, Verification, Qualification (IVVQ).

Based on 4 architectural layers, which are Operational Analysis, System Analysis, Logical and Physical Architecture, it is a structured architecture engineering method for defining and validating multi-domain systems.


The HUBBLE Space Telescope (HST) is a Cassegrain reflector telescope. Orbiting above the earth, HST elaborates a clear view of the universe free from the blurring and absorbing effects of the atmosphere. In order to illustrate the journey throughout CAPELLA, the HST will be introduced, as example, based on public information available (without modeling the entire system, as well as not all ARCADIA/CAPELLA concepts, but just showing few diagrams of the approach)